Oksana Temirbaeva
2 min readOct 4, 2020

Hi everyone! I’ve been a student for a month! And I have a lot of impressions, which I would like to share.

I think that is true what people say: university is the most important and memorable part of person’s life. In spite of the fact that I’ve been studying for a month, I feel a kind of power inside me. I don’t know how to explain this, but it is completely new feelings for me.
As for my discoveries, I suppose that the most important are English classes. When our first English class was over I thought “Why was it so fast?”. I have never thought that studying may be so funny. I’m very happy to understand that there are people around me, who like English language and history as much as I do. However, it was difficult for me to start speaking. When I opened my mouth in the first week, I forgot all words that I’ve ever known. It was complicated a bit, to suffer with this problem, but I understood that I came to university for studying and nobody don’t expect from me some long monologues etc. And when I relaxed, I felt that I can speak)))

Moreover, I still can’t pronounce butterfly sound, I can’t say this sound like native people.
Honestly, I like our schedule (I don’t really know why people are unhappy), it is very comfortable for me to go out from university at 1 pm.
There were some memorable moments of this month. The first thing is our performance with “the show must go on”. The second is physical education outside. I didn’t like this subject at school, but now it seemed to me very cool. The third memorable thing is “welcome week”, I guess. And the forth is meeting new people and getting new knowledge. I’m very happy to be in the 102 group, my groupmates are veeery kind people.
As for my goals.. I’d like to improve my language skills, especially speaking. Moreover, I’d like to participate in some events, it’s very interesting for me. And I really want to be better than yesterday) and I think that university will help me with my aims.

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